5 Things You must know from Online Game League of Legends (LoL)

 World of fantasy-based strategy game is indeed unique and fun to play. It is not surprising that this game has millions of active players are scattered throughout the world, including Indonesia.

As well LoL. Online games this one has its own uniqueness and his trademark. Because of that, we have deliberately reviewed the game cool this one special for you, our loyal visitors. Like what roughly? Checked out 

1. Rule of Games Online LoL

Rule Game Online League of Legends (LoL)

For you who still do not know, League of Legends 5v5 is a strategy game. We can control our character champion. Our character, will be aided by the minions of the characters controlled by the computer intelligent algorithms.

There are many characters in the game, and we can choose the character that we want to comply with our style of play. Komika Raditya Dhika also likes to play online LoL lho sob. And mostly, he chose to take the role as a tanker.

2. Famous Games with million Players

Pengguna Game Online League of Legends (LoL)

Lol has 70 million active players are spread around the world. According to the data, there are at least an additional 27 new players every day and approximately 7.5 million peak concurrent users globally.

Because the number of players that much, there's rarely a competition game LoLoccasions by the leading sponsor of the upper class. The winner in the race will usually get thropy and 1 million US dollars.

3. The Best Things from LoL

Fitur Game Online League of Legends (LoL)
Many blogger write down on theirs blog's , also had a chance to review these cool games. The best thing of LoL is his champions, or the character of the hero we can use as a whiz at the game. Because of the large number of champions, she claimed had confused want to pick which.

Champions-champions are available is also unique-unique. Unlike other games thatlook like wearing the stereotypical characters. In League of Legends online thus it is clearly visible. Because of his varied champions, he was confident Indonesia could find characters gamers can satisfy for gaming.

4. Actractive Games

Game Online League of Legends (LoL) Seru

Gaming graphics this one very indulgent eye. For you who use pc spec's with intermediateupwards, each color will manage to perform well. All these effects also kick and punch will work and make  you are dumbfounded at once amazed.

In addition, the strains of music and sound effects that accompany the adventure the player during the game also adds to the keseruan of online games on this one. The bottom line, a mix of audio and visual are there in this game indeed.

5. One type with DOTA

Game Online League of Legends (LoL) Mirip DOTA

For you game lovers of all must have been familiar with IT right? Yes! When viewed from the form, this game is indeed still like DOTA. With its own excess, LOL was able to entice gamers that exist in the world.

However, for some players who are mad with fantasy gaming DOTA still seen somewhat better. However, the quality of the graphics, sound effects, and also a hero in a game that ended up being a good indicator of poor games.

Okay PAL gamers, that's the last review online game League of Legends from 
us. Already ready to play this game?

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